Joonatan Syrjätie

Spring is here

One of my works that got published in a actual calender!

Model sketches

One of my better model sketches I have done in recent times, and a very random page of doodles.

Rusty tin can made in aquarell

I was pretty happy with this one, I am usually not that good with aquarell but here I did pretty ok, especially on the ”rusty” details of the tin can.

Scary ink fox. . . . I guess?

It almost looks like a kitsune (Japanese ghost fox) in it’s style.

The hands of the lord

This was a special project during one week, my class got to draw stuff on stones! Well basically at least, I was pretty happy with the outcome and the details, though to some people the supposed ”earth” looks like a mermaids tail.

Different quality Clay statues

We had one week when we got to play with clay, we got to first try the cheap clay (that you pretty much can find in any lake out there), it was pretty annoying to work with and it had a lot of small pieces of stone on it.

However, when we got to use the quality clay it was much more smoother and more fun to use. It was a pretty fun week but next time I will jump straight to the quality clay.


This was my last project in Skövde konskola before summer that I spent about 5-7 weeks on. I wanted to make a series of paintings that would tell of my personal experiences in life, and how I got through it.

The blue painting is supposed to represent loneliness.

The red one is prejudices, or in other cases bullying.

The Yellow one is called hope and yes that is supposed to be Jesus.

I was a person that didn’t have a good high school experience growing up, people loved making fun of me because of my Finnish name and heritage, also for my faith in Jesus, I hadn’t even really talked to anyone in school about my faith, they just didn’t like the fact that I believed it.

They also got mad that I didn’t do stuff like them: Drink Alcohol, smoke, swear or have Sex with ten different persons.

However, I got through all that because I wasn’t alone in all that crap, Jesus was with me and felt my pain that I went through.

You who reads this can believe whatever you want, but I will tell you this: If I hadn’t had Jesus in my life as my lord and savior, I would have most likely been dead now and not sitting here telling you this, I had pretty bad suicide thoughts back then.

Sorry if this got a bit personal to some of you, but I felt that I should tell my story to people, again you can believe whatever you want of it, but believe this at least: Because of my faith, I am still standing here well and alive today.

Remember you are not alone in this world.